1. General information
1.1 The following Terms and Conditions (hereafter called “Terms and Conditions”) govern the use of the Caaring® digital platform (hereafter called “Caaring®”), including all the services and information provided through this remote patient monitoring platform. PERSEI VIVARIUM, S.R.L., located at Via Leopardi Num. 1, Milan, with Identification Number 11543780966 and REA number 2610522, is the assignee of the usage rights, and acts as the producer of the Caaring® software.
- 1.2 In addition to these Terms and Conditions, we have a Privacy Policy (link to privacy policy), in which is specified how the data provided by the Caaring® users are collected and managed, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.
- 1.3 PERSEI VIVARIUM S.L. is the owner of the Caaring® software product, designed for the management and monitoring of the course of diseases and the prevention of the increase in severity of those diseases through monitoring, by the physician, of the clinical data collected with the application, with PERSEI VIVARIUM S.R.L. as the assignee of the usage rights and acting as the producer of the Caaring® software.
2. Caaring®
- 2.1 Caaring® is a digital platform for remote monitoring of patients that helps improve the management and course of diseases and generate Real-World Evidences.
- 2.2 This platform enables the collection of real life data about the patient’s status and treatment, at the same time as it facilitates educational content of interest for the management of the disease.
- 2.3 The healthcare professional carries out the monitoring of the clinical data provided in Caaring® with the goal of managing the course of the disease and preventing an increase in the severity of that disease.
- 2.4 The Caaring® platform is put at the disposal of the user at no cost through the healthcare professional, who is the person responsible for facilitating the platform for the patient to carry out the monitoring of the disease.
3. Collection and use of personal information
The personal information generating through the use ofCaaring® will be collected, stored, and processed by the administrator of personal data in accordance with Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Council of April 27, 2016 (“GDPR”) and its secondary legislation, being subsequently incorporated into an automated file that is incorporated into the register of treatment activities, as required by Article 30 of the GDPR.
To obtain more information on this topic, you can read our Privacy Policy.
4. Conditions of use
- 4.1 The access to and use of Caaring® implies the acceptance by the user of these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these Terms and Conditions, you will not be able to create a Caaring® user account.
- 4.2 When you use the Caaring® platform, you accept the use of the same for the purposes described in these Terms and Conditions.
- 4.3 Caaring® should not be used in the event of an emergency. In that situation, do not wait to be notified through the platform; instead you should see your healthcare professional.
- 4.4 Registration of the Caaring® user
Access by the user to Caaring® requires a previous registration by the healthcare professional or monitoring center (supervisory system).
Once registered in the platform, you will receive an activation email with a link providing your access credentials. After creating your user account, accept the Terms and Conditions.
To use Caaring® you must download the application to your mobile phone through Google Play (Android) or App Store (iOS).
5. Rights and responsibilities of the users
- 5.1 The user is the sole person responsible for his or her Caaring® account, as well as the information provided therein.
- 5.2 The user accounts may not be transferred to third parties; they are for personal use and must always meet the criteria established by the healthcare professional.
- 5.3 The user is the sole person responsible for the use of the services, the website, and the Caaring® platform.
- 5.4 The user guarantees at all times that the information provided through Caaring® is accurate and truthful.
- 5.5 The user assumes the obligation of not divulging and/or publishing any type of information obtained through the services of Caaring®.
6. Termination of the contractual relationship
- 6.1 In the event that the user ceases to be in agreement with these Terms and Conditions and/or wishes to stop using Caaring®, the user can rescind his or her agreement at any time in one of the following ways: contacting the healthcare professional or monitoring center (supervising system) by whom they were enrolled or, as necessary, directly contacting Persei vivarium S.L. through support@caaring.com.
- 6.2 Caaring® can rescind the agreement with the user for any reason that is internal, organizational, or in accordance with the project goals, notifying the user in writing at any time.
7. Applicable laws and jurisdiction
Any disagreement regarding the services and/or the use of the website or the application on the part of the user, or any question that may arise regarding the interpretation, application, and compliance with the current Security Policy is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Milan, Italy.
8. Contact
If you have any questions and/or would like to contact us regarding these Terms and Conditions or any other document mentioned in them, please send an email to us at dpo@perseivivarium.com.